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"How to Own 1,000 Apartments in Five Years"

*** Please go to Amazon  by clicking HERE to purchase "How to Own 1,000 Apartments in Five Years" by Multifamily Attorney, Expert and Mentor Charles Dobens.

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 Have you ever wanted to own apartments?

I always did, and once I succeeded, I decided to help other people do the same. But here’s some advice: don’t do it alone. Don’t waste your money on a “guru” who you’ll never see again after one of those weekend rah-rah seminars.

My name is 
Charles Dobens, and I want to help you achieve your goals of financial security in the BEST business in the world: The Multifamily Real Estate Investing Business!

This book has taken my years of experience and condensed them between these four corners; it will give you the knowledge – and thus the power – to learn this business the RIGHT way. I have made all the mistakes one can possibly make in the multifamily investing business, and I have not only lived to talk about them but am here to help you avoid those same obstacles and pitfalls so that you can accelerate your learning curve and achieve the success you deserve.

- Charles Dobens, Esq.